FeelMore50 Super Bowl: What Consumers Felt Were Emotional Highs and Lows in the Game Day Ads!

*BrainJuicer is now System1 Research*

Though we can’t promise anything regarding the actual game, we do know that each year, brands spend millions upon millions of dollars on media spend to be featured in the Super Bowl – it’s the definitive advertising showdown. The Big Game gives advertisers and agencies an opportunity to stretch the boundaries of traditional advertising and showcase original, famous 5-Star work.

As we’ve seen through the FeelMore50, the most effective (read: most emotional) advertising successfully appeals to the three aspects of brand building: Fame, Feeling & Fluency. Fame helps a brand come readily to mind. Feeling helps people choose it. And Fluency helps people recognize and process a brand quickly. It’s through that same lens that we assessed the advertising of Super Bowl 2016.

In this webinar, in partnership with ZappiStore, we will reveal the next-day testing results from ads that aired during 2016’s Big Game. Most analysis you will hear from adland’s Monday Morning Quarterbacks will feature copious amounts of punditry and opinion. We’ll highlight the touchdowns and fumbles of the advertising calendar’s biggest night based on quantitative data collected in a methodology validated to business effects.

Join Alex Hunt (President, System1 Research) and Brent Snider (President, North America) with Zappistore’s Ryan Barry (SVP) as we sum up the 2016 Super Bowl advertising experience and uncover the formula for 5-Star success.

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