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Join us for the most in-depth analysis of the ads airing during the biggest game
Join us for the most in-depth analysis of the ads airing during the biggest game
A new holistic view on creative consistency: by defining a new multi-year brand metric, the Creative Consistency Score (CCS), we’ve analysed 56 brands across digital and TV for 13 consistency features over five years. This includes 4000+ ads tested with System1’s Test Your Ad.
Based on foundational work from Adam Morgan and Peter Field looking at IPA data on rational vs. emotional advertising and media spend figures, the Cost of Dull research becomes clearer when adding in emotional response data from System1’s Test Your Ad database.
Unlock Super Bowl advertising success with our comprehensive analysis. We assessed 400 ads over five years, revealing valuable insights into both long- and short-term creative effectiveness. Discover our 10 Plays to Win the Super Bowl for actionable tips. Elevate your marketing game with proven strategies and creative insights.
The most effective ads boost sales and drive long-term growth. They do it by making people feel more - building positive associations with a recognizable brand. We predict sales and growth impacts by measuring emotion, letting you make ads that entertain for commercial gain.
Select ideas with confidence by leveraging the power of emotion, the best predictor of future behavior.
Test up to 50 ideas in one test and benchmark against our database of more than 50,000 ideas. Customize the survey questions and your sample to capture insights from the general population and your target audience.
Test ideas such as new products, claims, taglines, packaging, concepts and more.
Our Test Your Ad (TYA) and Test Your Innovation (TYI) solutions quickly predict the short- and long-term commercial potential of ads and ideas, giving marketers confidence that their creative concepts will resonate with consumers and drive profitable commercial growth. Complementing TYA and TYI is Test Your Brand (TYB), which measures the impact of ads and ideas on brand health.
Test Your Ad is the testing platform for marketers who want to make brilliantly effective ads. Next day predictions, intuitive metrics, and diagnostics you can use.
Which idea deserves investment? From tweaked taglines to category-changing innovations, Test Your Innovation select ideas with confidence.
Test Your Distinctive Assets+ is the first and only solution that measures Feeling to understand the emotions evoked by distinctive assets with life, such as fluent devices.
Clear, predictive measures that let you understand brand health, predict future performance and improve and inform your brand strategy.