Our Test Your Ad Premium database is the world’s largest subscription-based ad database, collecting consumers’ emotional responses to creative. Every January, as part of our Nation’s Favorite Ads program, we take a closer look at work that resonated deeply with audiences.
For 2024, we reviewed the creatives’ Star Ratings, a metric that measures the types of emotion elicited by advertising to predict creative’s long-term brand-building potential. This year, we focused on some of the biggest advertising moments – like the Super Bowl and the Olympics – to shine a light on the brands that show up with entertaining work when it matters most.
But that’s not all! Inspired by our most in-demand reports, “The Extraordinary Cost of Dull” and “The Magic of Compound Creativity”, we’ve also included some bonus best-of-the-best ads. First, we looked at the ads that elicited the lowest levels of neutrality in 2024, as the Cost of Dull report notes the tendency for ads to elicit no emotional response from audiences. The report also highlights strategies for defeating dullness (i.e. lowering neutrality through any emotional response, both positive and negative).
Next, we pulled out some of the prime examples of consistency given our Compound Creativity report, which encourages brands to let ads wear in, establish long-running partnerships with their creative agencies, leverage recurring brand characters and distinctive assets, and more. The research found that the most consistent brands outperform the least consistent on brand and business effects, and the gap between them widens over time. Put simply, it costs more to be dull and inconsistent.
It’s time to reveal the Nation’s Favorite Ads of 2024 and the creative teams behind the work!