UK XMAS 2017 – ‘Tis the Season for Fluent Devices
Why should brands create emotional ads? What we know about brand building tells us that communication – and particularly creative, famous advertising – is absolutely critical to successful long-term, profitable growth. Brand growth is rooted in the 3Fs – Fame, Feeling and Fluency, mental shortcuts that help the brand become an easy, System 1 choice at the moment of decision.
This year we’ve live tested each UK XMAS ad as they aired to uncover the most emtional ad of 2017. It’s been a bumper year for UK ads. Seven ads managed to hit 4-Stars, meaning strong ads that should lead to profitable growth. That’s one more commercial than in 2015 and 2016 combined! And this year saw our first 5-Star Christmas ads since 2014’s John Lewis classic “Monty The Penguin”.
Join Tom Ewing (Head of Communication) in this webinar as he highlights the top 10 UK XMAS adverts of 2017 and shows how Fluent Devices played an important role in their success.