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TV advertising’s ability to drive long-term brand building is undisputed, but when brands don’t have the luxury of time and budgets, how can they best harness their creatives for immediate short-term impact?
In partnership with ITV, System1’s “The Short-Cut Guide to Short-Term Advertising” report is a deep dive into more than 20,000 ads and their Spike Ratings, a predictive score that indicates short-term sales effect over the 8-10 weeks after an advert has aired, derived from two factors: speed of branding and intensity of emotional response.
To uncover what works, the research looks at the four extremes: ads doing well on one but not the other, well on both or poorly on both – and analysed 50 ads from each category to see what they had in common.
Download the report or view the condensed summary to understand how TV advertising can be leveraged to drive short-term gains.