North America
Department store giant Macy’s has had a rough few years, dealing with the changing needs of retail customers and then the Covid-19 pandemic. But at least it ends the year with something to smile about – a maximum 5.9-Star Rating for its Christmas ad, putting it at the top of the US list so far this year.
Macy’s has a solid track record of Christmas commercials, with 2018’s space-station themed offering getting a lot of acclaim. But for 2020 they’ve come down to Earth, with “In Dad’s Shoes”, a heartwarming ad about small-town family life. A daughter wonders what to get her Dad for Christmas… and his shoes take matters into their own… laces.
Other ads might use this set-up for some madcap comedy, but Macy’s takes a gentler route – most of the smiles come from the physical acting of its child star as she stomps around in her father’s footsteps. The ad mixes happiness and surprise nicely until its closing payoff, which saw a big peak of happiness as the ad redeems one of the corniest Christmas gift choices.
With a strong lead character, an intriguing central incident, and a powerful sense of place, Macy’s ticks all the right-brain boxes and can be proud of an excellent ad.
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