TikTok Sensation Rob Mayhew on Turning his Passion into a Business and More – The CMO Whisperer’s Friday Fast Five

You know the drill. Five articles I deem read-worthy.  

Note: I am adding a new feature to the Friday Fast Five. From time to time in addition to the written word, I will add in a podcast episode I think you need to hear and why. Look for the word “listen” vs. “read.”  


  • TikTok Sensation Rob Mayhew on Turning his Passion into a Business

Source: Uncensored CMO    

Why you need to listen to it: It would be quite easy to say you need to listen to this because this is an episode of a podcast hosted by one of my personal podcast heroes/co-worker Jon Evans. But that would be too self-serving, and I would never do that.   

You need to listen because the guest, Rob Mayhew, has over 150,000 followers and over 5 million likes. You may be thinking ‘That’s great, Steve, but what does this have to do with marketing?’ Well, in addition to Rob sharing some TikTok secrets he also delves into brand partnerships and how to make B2B sexy, again. Yes, B2B can be sexy!  

What you need to learn from it: How to make content that is not so dry AKA boring. How to tell a hugely entertaining story in a TikTok video. How to create content from otherwise very mundane, day-to-day things. And yes, the aforementioned, how to make B2B content sexy.  

Click here to listen to the full episode. 

TL;DR: Don’t make the mistake of thinking that as a CMO or marketer of a given brand you cannot learn something from an individual creator.  


  • Research: Consumers Choose Shared Experiences Over Quality Ones

Source: HBR   

Why you need to read it: It’s hardly a secret, at least it better not be by now, that the experience brands provide consumers can literally make or break that same brand. But that aside, this is a fascinating look into how the decisions brands make, either explicitly or implicitly, to encourage consumers to be with others or alone, can affect their bottom line.  

What you need to learn from it: Consumers, based on this research, so value togetherness that they will choose less-pleasing experiences or even skip high-quality experiences just because they cannot be physically next to someone. Or put another way, consumers are human and thus derive more feeling and emotion when with others than not.  

Click here to read the full article. 

TL;DR: “Some consumer experiences are best when they’re solo — but new research shows that people will forgo a high-quality experience in order to share it with a partner or loved one. As a result, they may have a worse time, which can lead to unsatisfied consumers, lower sales and neglected business opportunities.” 


  • Don’t Repeat Google’s Mistake. “Agile Innovation” can Unleash and Retain Talent

Source: Big Think  

Why you need to read it: It is a tech-version, if you will, of Good To Great, the legendary book penned by Jim Collins that demonstrates how companies go from being good companies to being great companies, and how most fail to do so.  

A research team from Stanford looked at 26 companies in disruption-prone industries to pinpoint what companies need in order to achieve what has become crucial for long-term success: agile innovation. 

What you need to learn from it: It was a foregone conclusion that Google would win the race to be the first to market with AI. After all they were sitting on a goldmine of talent with Google execs proclaiming they had two-thirds of all the superstar AI talent. But Google failed to unleash the talent it already had. The moral is this: Don’t limit the talent you already have in your own team; let them push that envelope as far as they want.  

Click here to read the full article. 

TL;DR: “Effective hiring or retention didn’t seem to matter, at least beyond a basic ‘hygiene’ level. What did matter is how managers in the companies unleashed that talent.” 


  • Why I Love Advertising: a Farewell to Marketing

Source: Marketing Mag    

Why you need to read it: While not a farewell to marketing per se, it is an emotional, literally and figuratively, ode to the “art” – as the writer very aptly puts it, to the ad that moves us; that makes us feel something, be it silly, be it via a jingle or any other method.  

What you need to learn from it: It is hardly a secret that many consumers don’t like ads. Why? Well for one very big reason they interrupt and disrupt what they’re watching. But what this article does is remind all of us who are in marketing and advertising that the right ad can cut through all the noise, targeted marketing and advertising that you’re exposed to every day and leave you with a core memory. 

Click here to read the full article. 

TL;DR: “Ads have to be tied to a brand or a product, they have to resonate with the audience, and hit key demographics. They have to be beautiful or funny or irreverent. If they’re not sexy then they should be entertaining. Or both. Or even emotional.” 


  • The Game Beyond the Game: Live Sports has More Entry Points than ever for Brands

Source: The Drum  

Why you need to read it: UK broadcaster Sky Sports put it best: “The treasured die-hards are now joined by a host of different types of fans enjoying the game in new ways.” In other words, sports are no longer attracting only the fanatics, which creates more opportunities for savvy brands.  

What you need to learn from it: The article lays out three real world examples of how brands can tap into the game beyond the game including entering spaces into what is considered “non-traditional sports” world such as E-Sports and in particular via sponsorships of E-Sports athletes.  

Click here to read the full article. 

TL;DR: “Nielsen reported that 40% of fans prefer content unrelated to a live sports event. The growing desire for experiences beyond the game is fueled by a more diverse mix of fans redefining the boundaries of sport.” 

And speaking of sports sponsorships, did you know it is estimated to be a $100B dollar industry?  

System1 and Fuse, a sport and entertainment agency powered by Omnicom Media Group, have set out to understand the effectiveness potential of sport sponsorship. By applying a rigorous set of principles, we discovered that sponsors can unlock growth amongst both sport and broad audiences.  

If done properly, activity can go toe-to-toe with the world’s best advertising. We call this The Sport Dividend.